So you’re the ultimate Disneyphile and you’ve scoured the Disney parks wearing your ears and your fairy godmother has made you lucky enough to spot all 1,000 Hidden Mickeys. What do you do now?! Well, Issa Homes is making sure your Hidden Mickey hunt isn’t over quite yet.
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Walt Disney
Hidden Mickeys can be seen all over Disney World, but if you look closely you can even find them in each of the homes at Walt Disney’s Golden Oak in Orlando including Issa Homes. From bathrooms, porches, landings, ceiling, and staircases, Disney magic touches every part of an Issa Home.
Hidden Mickey Say Whhaattt?
New to Disney and don’t know what a Hidden Mickey is? Don’t worry, no one wearing a Mickey Mouse costume is going to pop out of your closet. A Hidden Mickey is a representation of Mickey Mouse that has been inserted subtly into the design of a ride, attraction, or other location in a Disney theme park, Disney properties, animated film, feature-length movie, TV series, or other Disney product.
In this case, the Hidden Mickeys can be found all around the houses that are built-in Disney’s Golden Oak. Because of the popularity of Hidden Mickeys, home builders are encouraged to use their imagination as to where the Hidden Mickeys will be placed. With that in mind, Hidden Mickeys can take on any size or form, so be sure to keep your eye out because they can be just about anywhere!
“It was important to us to keep the Disney magic in the design of the homes we build. I like to think there are a few that will be hard to find, but I know Disney fans love a good challenge, and we aim to please,” said Issa Homes Partner Don Hempel.
The Beginning of The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt
The history of Hidden Mickeys is traced back to when the Imagineers were designing Epcot in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Yes, it is literally someone’s job to think of places to place Hidden Mickeys! How do we apply for this!?
Disney already has tons of magic and fun for children, so it was decided that Epcot would be where the adults go for their magic. Magic meaning alcohol. They also reasonably decided that big character costumes and alcohol might not mix so well, I wonder why? Since no characters would be seen at Epcot, Hidden Mickeys were created by the Imagineers because who doesn’t love a challenge?
Thanks to them, Epcot has that little bit of Mickey and Minnie without any danger of intoxicated adults causing problems. They have since become a staple in any Disney establishment.
Hidden Mickeys Are Everywhere!
- Splash Mountain. …
- Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover. …
- Walt Disney’s Carousel Of Progress. …
- Haunted Mansion. …
- Be Our Guest Restaurant. …
- Under The Sea –Journey Of The Little Mermaid. …
- Jungle Cruise. …
- It’s A Small World.
Make Your Own Magic
So, are you a Disneyphile that isn’t planning on moving into Golden Oak anytime soon? Issa Homes is proud to be building in Disney’s Golden Oak and creating Hidden Mickeys but you don’t need to be Issa Homes to create a Hidden Mickey! Hidden Mickeys are a signature mark or design element made possible in any home!
Here’s a quick Hidden Mickey starter kit:
Objects! Rocks, plates, or anything you can place into the shape of a Mickey is a great and cheap choice.
Paint! Use that paintbrush like a magic wand and paint on a Hidden Mickey on any surface or wall. Try to make it hard to spot!
Pictures! Another cheap option, snap a photo of yourself in those famous Mickey ears and display it somewhere in your house.
There’s hidden magic in every aspect of life, Issa Homes helps bring a little magic to Disney’s Golden Oak residents. Check out some of Issa Homes favorite Hidden Mickeys.

And in case you can’t get enough of Hidden Mickeys and you want a daily dose, there’s a hashtag to follow on Instagram #HiddenMickey